The cooperative wool mill was begun by a German couple who recently relocated to Viscri. They saw a need for the wool mill when, soon after moving to Viscri, women from the village came to them selling knitted goods made from yarn recycled from old sweaters. Today, the mill employs one full-time and two part-time workers, as well as ample opportunity for all of the women in the village to participate in the production of knitted goods that are sold in craft shops in Romania and throughout Europe.

Above: Women are seen knitting and selling their wares all around the village.
Wool is first sheared from the sheep with scissors by the shepherds. It is then hauled to the mill by horse and cart, where it is first washed and dried in the sun. The series of images below shows wool being washed, dried and then in one of its final forms: wool batts, which are then spun into yarn by machine. The wool batts are also sold as-is for use as insulation in green building projects in Europe.