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Klimaszewski, Cheryl. 2020. “An Ethnographic Study of Romanian Vernacular Museums as Spaces of Knowledge-Making and Their Institutional Legitimation.” Doctoral dissertation, New Brunswick, N.J: Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey.
Klimaszewski, Cheryl. 2018. “Towards a Typology of an Emergent Museum Form.” Martor: The Museum of the Romanian Peasant Anthropology Review 23 (121–140).
Klimaszewski, Cheryl. 2016. “Experience as Use in a Local Museum in Horodnic de Jos, Romania (towards a Rhizomal Model for Documentation).” In Proceedings from the Document Academy. Denton, TX.
Klimaszewski, Cheryl. 2016. “Mapping Knowledge Orders in Local Museums: An Example from Horodnic de Jos, Romania.” In IConference 2016 Proceedings. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Klimaszewski, Cheryl. 2016. “Third-Party Classification: Exposing Likeness between Satellites Dishes, Troll Figurines and Mass-Produced Bedspreads in a Romanian Local Museum.” Journal of Documentation 72 (1): 156–71.
Klimaszewski, Cheryl. 2015. “‘We Combined the Old Culture with Modern Civilization’: Cultural Motion in the Local Museum in Horodnic de Jos, Romania.” In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CAIS / Actes Du Congrès Annuel de l’ACSI. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Klimaszewski, Cheryl. 2015. “Lumping (and Splitting) LAMs: The Story of Grouping Libraries, Archives, and Museums.” Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science 39 (3/4): 350–67.
Klimaszewski, Cheryl, and James M. Nyce. 2014. “Towards a Study of ‘Unofficial’ Museums.” In Annual Review of Cultural Heritage Informatics, edited by S.K. Hastings, 179–89. Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press.
Nyce, James M., Gail E. Bader, and Cheryl Klimaszewski. 2013. “‘Lose Your Time in a Useful Way’: Digital Inclusion of the Elderly at a Pensioner’s Club in Romania.” In Information Access and Library User Needs in Developing Countries, edited by Mohammed Nasser Al-Suqru, Linda L. Lillard, and Naifa Eid Al-Saleem, 173–89. Hershey, Pa: IGI Global.
Klimaszewski, Cheryl, Gail E. Bader, and James M. Nyce. 2013. “Hierarchy, Complicity and Culture in the Library and Information Science Preservation Agenda: Observations from Romania.” Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 45 (1): 38–52.
Klimaszewski, Cheryl, Gail E. Bader, and James M. Nyce. 2012. “Studying up (and down) the Cultural Heritage Preservation Agenda: Observations from Romania.” European Journal of Cultural Studies 15 (4): 479–95.
Klimaszewski, Cheryl, Gail E. Bader, and James M. Nyce. 2011. “‘Success Stories’ as an Evidence Form: Organizational Legitimization in an International Technology Assistance Project.” Martor: The Museum of the Romanian Peasant Anthropology Review 16: 171–83.
Klimaszewski, Cheryl, Gail E. Bader, James M. Nyce, and Brian E. Beasley. 2010. “Who Wins? Who Loses? Representation and ‘Restoration’ of the Past in a Rural Romanian Community.” Library Review 59 (2): 92–106.
Klimaszewski, Cheryl, and James M. Nyce. 2009. “Does Universal Access Mean Equitable Access? What an Information Infrastructure Study of a Rural Romanian Community Can Tell Us.” New Library World 110 (5/6): 219–36.